MCBall Blur Documentation

Agent kit

Place flashbang mines to blind your foes.

3 - Receive ONE extra flashbang mine and increased flash radius.
5 - Receive TWO extra flashbang mines.
7 - Receive ONE extra flashbang mine when you reload.

Configuration options

General options:

Killstreak options:

Example/default configuration

- Paintball:
  - agent:
      base-radius: 3
      max-placed-flashbangs: 2
      flashbang-duration: 5s
      max-held-flashbangs: 2
      explosion-delay: 0ms
      ks-3-flashbangs: 1
      ks-3-radius: ~+1
      ks-5-flashbangs: 2
      ks-7-reload-flashbangs: 1

Note: the explosion-delay option here causes the flashbang to go off on the next tick.