MCBall Blur Documentation

BControlPoints is the Blur control points module. It handles defining points and game logic for points being captured. There are many different options for this module that will be expanded on in this documentation in the future. The key parameters for the Conquest gamemode are highlighted below.

BControlPoints depends on Extents for the control point areas. Each point must have at least an id, name, and capture extent.

Point Capture Indicators

An indicator extent can be defined, within which all blocks of material neutral-material get replaced by team-materials when the relevant teams capture the point. The teams id fields here must match the team id field in the Teams module.

Capture Time Variability

The capture time can be varied based on the number of players. The time-modifier-per-player parameter should be a relative operator that is applied recursively for each extra player on a control point (ignoring the initial player). If the number is additive then it should be specified in milliseconds. The modifier is for the total capture time and scales pro rata for ongoing captures. The minimum time can be set using the min-capture-time parameter.

Note: ~ denotes relative. Due to oddities in the order of operations, only multiplication (*) and addition (+) should be used. However, division can be used by multiplying by the reciprocal, and subtraction can be used by adding a negative number. In both cases, the operator must still be specified (see the example below).

Example Configuration

Example BControlPoints configuration:

- Extents:
  - id: shard-point
      base: 64.5, 79.0, 55.5
      radius: 5.5
      height: 3
  - id: shard-indicator
      min: 25, 50, 17
      max: 94, 100, 80
  - id: cavern-point
        base: 0.5, 65.0, 0.5
        radius: 5.5
        height: 3

- BControlPoints:
    capture-time: 5s
    time-modifier-per-player: ~+-500
    min-capture-time: 2s
    - id: shard
      name: Shard
      capture: shard-point
      indicator: shard-indicator
      neutral-material: EMERALD_BLOCK
      - id: red
        material: RED_CONCRETE
      - id: blue
        material: BLUE_CONCRETE
    - id: cavern
      name: Cavern
      capture: cavern-point